Petition in Support of Mr. David Yordanov

As you might have already heard, on December 5th, David Yordanov (the SCIFI Coordinator) got fired. ACS refuses to state official reasoning, so here is what we know:

- On that day, Mr. Yordanov was personally invited to an emergency meeting and was forced to leave SCIFI, leaving the students who were working there without any supervision.
- There, he received the news that he was fired, effective immediately, and his keys and Chromebook were taken away.
- Without giving him a chance to collect his personal belongings, he was demonstratively escorted off campus with a guard on each side (in front of his students).
- In less than 30 minutes, his school email was blocked, and his name was deleted from Engage.
- During the regular faculty meeting, all teachers were forbidden to discuss any information regarding his removal.
- Any information regarding the case has also been withheld from students.
- All the locks on the floor were changed, and student’s belongings remained locked inside.
- Two guards were placed there, and SCIFI was treated like a crime scene.

The alleged reason for his removal was a blog post he supposedly wrote.

David Yordanov was a great teacher and mentor to anyone in need. Without him over 10 clubs, 2 electives, STUCO, and all SCIFI-related activities are severely impeded and currently frozen. No replacement could match the sheer passion and dedication of both time and effort. No one will stay in school until late hours to help students meet a deadline or rush to get a replacement part minutes before the store's closing time out of pure passion.

The goal of this form is to demonstrate how important David was to us and try to give him back at least a little of what he gave to us.

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